Youth deserve to be unstoppable

In sport. In school. In life.

A message from Beckie Scott

For much of my life, I only knew the power of sport to transform one life - my own. Until Spirit North.

Sport taught me how to set and achieve goals, find my strengths and build my confidence; it gave me a sense of belonging and community; created many role models for me to learn from and look up to; and ultimately put me on a world stage where my dream became a way I could inspire others.

Despite universal acknowledgment that regular participation in sport supports improved physical and mental health, education, and socio-emotional development, many Indigenous youth face systemic barriers such as poverty, isolation and lack of capacity. This means they miss out on the opportunities provided by regular participation in sport, play and connection to the land.

In Canada, Indigenous people are measured as having the most disadvantaged social conditions of all people in the country: a direct result of colonization and a residential school system created to eradicate Indigenous culture.

At Spirit North, we believe in different measurements - measurements that showcase confidence, success in school, leadership, health, and a greater connectedness to nature, Indigenous traditions and cultural values. These are the measurements we should be ensuring every Indigenous child and youth has a right to.

They are about celebrating communities and addressing the inequity of opportunity that exists.

I’ve seen first-hand the transformation in a young person that comes with just one day of the opportunities that have been readily available to me. Seeing kids and community members light up during Spirit North days, fuels my passion for the importance of our work. I hope it will ignite yours, too.

Together, with our donors and partners, we believe that working alongside Indigenous communities we will break down barriers to sport and play opportunities for Indigenous youth across Canada - then they will truly be unstoppable.

Beckie Scott

Founder and CEO


A Warm Welcome To Our New CEO, Gary St. Amand