Three pillars of Spirit North
Through Spirit North, sport and play are about so much more than getting Indigenous kids outside to have fun. We take a holistic approach that improves the lives of youth and the prosperity of their communities by focusing on these three pillars:
Delivered in partnership with schools and educators, Spirit North programs advance academic outcomes, improve attendance and support positive belief-systems around school. They also create opportunities for teachers to develop innovative curriculum around activities and enhance learning experiences in areas such as leadership and language.
91% of teachers report that Spirit North programs had a positive impact on their students.
Elders and family members, Indigenous advisors, local educators and community leaders all play an important role in our programs. From mentorship and training of local community members, to unique community engagement events such as festival days and co-creation workshops, Spirit North works to build community involvement, capacity and sustainability.
To date, over 80 community members have undertaken Spirit North’s coaching and leadership training programs.
Spirit North’s unique methodology is designed for children and youth to experience healthy outdoor activity on the land, and the emotional impact that comes with it. In addition to improved physical health, Spirit North activities promote increased feelings of confidence, joy, belonging and resilience.
94% of students report that Spirit North activities made them feel "good, very good or excellent" and that programs helped them to “feel better on the inside.”

“I have seen first-hand the positive impact of Spirit North on my students: resilience, teamwork, positive attitudes, belief in themselves, encouraging others and joy!”
- School Principal